🦊 Pasadena Coyote Sightings Surge

Issue #120

❀️ In this issue of Pasadena Spotlight 

🌀️ Pasadena, CA Weather

🦊 Pasadena Wildlife Alert: Coyote Sightings Surge During Mating Season

πŸ’° Pasadena Ex-JPL Staffer Penalized $10K for Misusing Relief Funds

🏠 Pasadena Rent Stabilization Department Launches New Website to Serve Landlords and Tenants

πŸ˜ƒ Viral Meme

Good morning Pasadena Spotlight subscribers!

As you step out this Tuesday morning (5am-10am), expect partly cloudy skies with temperatures around 47-56Β°F and light winds from the south at 3 mph. Dress in layers to stay comfortable throughout the morning.

Moving into the noon hours (11am-1pm), the sun will shine brightly with temperatures rising to 58-61Β°F and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest at 4-5 mph. Light clothing will keep you feeling refreshed during this period.

Heading into the afternoon (2pm-5pm), the weather will remain pleasant with mostly sunny skies and temperatures reaching 59-62Β°F. A slightly stronger breeze from the south-southwest at 5-6 mph may be felt, so consider a light jacket or sweater.

As evening approaches (6pm-11pm), the skies will remain partly cloudy with temperatures cooling down to 51-56Β°F. Winds will be light from the southwest at 2-4 mph. A light jacket or coat will be ideal for the evening hours to stay cozy.

Pasadena Wildlife Alert: Coyote Sightings Surge During Mating Season

As coyotes' mating season occurs from January to March, Pasadena residents have noticed an increase in coyote sightings.

To facilitate peaceful coexistence with wildlife, Pasadena Humane and the City of Pasadena - Public Agency provide practical guidelines.

These recommendations encompass securing garbage, keeping pets indoors, and employing fear conditioning techniques during coyote encounters.

By following these suggestions, residents can ensure their safety and contribute to the well-being of local wildlife populations.

Pasadena Ex-JPL Staffer Penalized $10K for Misusing Relief Funds

Armen Hovanesian, a former employee of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, has been penalized with a $10,000 fine for fraudulent activities related to federal COVID-19 relief loans.

Acting as a cost-control and budget-planning resource analyst at JPL, Hovanesian admitted to wire fraud and received a two-year probation sentence.

His misconduct involved submitting false loan applications to the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program from June to October 2020.

Despite certifying the loan proceeds would be used for legitimate business purposes, Hovanesian redirected the funds to settle personal debts and finance an illegal marijuana cultivation project.

The U.S. Department of Justice revealed that Hovanesian caused the Small Business Administration to transfer a total of $151,900 in federal funds as part of his scheme.

Pasadena Rent Stabilization Department Launches New Website to Serve Landlords and Tenants

This is the Swedish birdhouse thats been living in our garden. bird house - Birdbox - Little house

The City of Pasadena Rent Stabilization Department has unveiled a new website designed to provide crucial information to landlords and tenants in the Pasadena area.

This online platform offers easy access to FAQs, essential forms, educational resources, and enhanced communication channels.

By prioritizing transparency and future development, the department aims to empower the community by ensuring vital resources are readily available and accessible.

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